ON-DEM at CHoPS 2024

Open Network on DEM Simulations Technical Session

Special Sessions
We are delighted to be able to announce that the Open Network on DEM Simulations (ON-DEM) will run a dedicated session at CHoPS 2024.

JP Morrissey

Jin Ooi


March 7, 2024

CHoPS Session

We are delighted to announce that ON-DEM will be participating in the CHoPS 2024 Conference. ON-DEM is a recently funded EU Cost Action Project aiming to unify knowledge and people across wide/diverse DEM communities and is seeking an international participation to achieve its goals. There will be a dedicated ON-DEM session in the Conference on DEM covering the key working areas such as:

  • tackling real (large) industrial and engineering problems;
  • using physics to account for complex phenomena more realistically;
  • data and visualization tools for better and quicker DEM analysis of results;
  • normalisation and best practice;
  • enhancing commercial utilisation of DEM codes.

If you would like to participate in the ON-DEM session, please submit an abstract and tick the appropriate box in the abstract submission form.

What is ON-DEM?

Particle-based Discrete Element Method (DEM) simulations are commonly used in the field of particulate solids to study complex problems in levels of details not possible at an experimental level.

DEM simulations range from simple to the complex and many DEM software packages, both open-source and commercial, exist. Open-source programs are free, well adapted to research, and promote knowledge sharing, reproducibility, and versatility but can be challenging, even for experienced researchers in the field. They also prevent the “black box” problems encountered with proprietary/commercial platforms.

The COST Action CA22132 - Open Network on DEM Simulations (ON-DEM) aims to unify knowledge and people across wide/diverse DEM communities. The Action will assess and extend what can be achieved with DEM by disseminating new developments, promoting best practice, providing simulation examples, validation experiments, common tools for data analysis, as well as training of young researchers and involving other interested parties.

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